Monday, June 1, 2009


This is a wedding gift for my friend, Ira.
This story is part facts, mostly fiction. Enjoy!

I do not own the song “Two Words” sung by Lea Salonga. Nor do I own the songfic "Two Words" by Jiru-senpai.

Words in blue are lyrics of the song "Two Words" by Lea Salonga.
You can watch the video of that song in the video bar on the left. Click on the picture of a blue rose.

In a while, in a word
Every moment now returns
Hello, Ira?” His soft voice called her name.
She held the phone tightly to her ear. “Yes, this is she. How can I help you?” She tried to hide her sobs.
He paused before he said, “This is Iko. I just wanted to know how you are doing.”
I’m sorry, I can’t talk right now.” Her voice was trembling.
For a while, seen or heard
How each memory softly burns
His voice was full of concern as he said, “Okay, I’ll call again soon.”
She was about to hang up, when, suddenly, he asked, “Mmm, Ira?”
Whenever you need me, I’ll be here.”
Thank you.”
(End of Flashback)
Facing you who brings me new tomorrows
I thank God for yesterdays
How they led me to this very hour
How they led me to this place
She looked up, breaking free from her daydream, and saw her love before her. He looked into her eyes, lingering there as if there was no tomorrow. His lips turned into a small genuine smile, and he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.
Every touch, every smile
You have given me in care
Keep in heart always I’ll now be treasuring everywhere
She had just put her white coat on the back of a chair, when, suddenly, her cell phone rang.
Hello, Ira?” It was the same kind voice as before.
Yes, this is she.” She didn’t know why, but her lips turned into a smile. The first true smile in a month.
Ira, are you still in the hospital?”
She was amused. “How did you know?”
I’ve just been to your house. Your mother told me that you had gone to work to cover for another doctor.”
She smiled again. “I see that my mom has told you everything.”
That’s not all. She also told me that you haven’t eaten dinner. So, now I’m in the parking lot, delivering your meal.”
Can I see you now? Or do I have to get hurt before I can enter the ER?”
You can come here. I don't have a patient at the moment. I’m not busy.”
She met him by the receptionist's desk. He handed her a food container. She opened the lid and let the steam from the soup escape.
She inhaled the aroma. “Smells delicious.”
He grinned. “Your mother said it’s your favorite.”
It is.”
He didn’t let her finish her sentence. “Ira, I just want to offer my condolences for the loss of your sister. I didn’t know. The other day I called at the worst possible time, didn’t I?”
She shook her head. “No. You reminded me that I still have friends. Friends who care.”
A nurse called out to her. “Doctor, there’s a call from ICU.”
Ira thanked the nurse and took the phone. Iko gestured goodbye and went towards the door in long strides.
She finished her phone conversation and called to him. “Iko!”
He was standing by the doorway, waiting for what she had to say.
She took a deep breath and said, “Thank you.” She gave him her sincerest smile, hoping he would understand.
And if life should come to just one question
Do I hold each moment true
No trace of sadness, always with gladness
I do
(End of Flashback)
She could hear a song in her heart. This was it. This was the moment she had been waiting for.
Now a song that speaks of now and ever
Beckons me to someone new
Unexpected, unexplored, unseen
Filled with promise coming through
She looked at him and saw that he showed no doubt of her love. And she knew, wholeheartedly, that he loved her, too.
In a while, in a word
You and I forever change
Love so clear never blurred
Has me feeling wondrous strange
He walked towards her in calculated steps and stopped in front of her. He gazed at her for a long time until he reached out for something behind him. There, held between his fingers, was a red long-stemmed rose.
She looked at his face, then to the rose, and back to his face. She felt love warmed her heart. But he still held her gaze, waiting patiently for her to comprehend.
Then she saw it.
No words needed to be said. A wide, yet watery, smile rose to her face, and he accepted it with an earnest smile of his own.
And if life should come to just one question
Do I face each moment true
No trace of sadness, always with gladness
I do
(End of Flashback)
He finished his vows and shook her father’s hand. She looked at her new husband and saw his tense expression. She gave him a teasing smile and he started to relax.
All her memories with him flashed in front of her, culminating in this moment, a memory that was soon to be. She gave a deep sigh and looked up at him, her future.
Never with sadness, always with gladness
I do.
And they live happily ever after.
Author's Notes: This songfiction is an adaptation from a fanfiction by Jiru-senpai. She granted me permission to use her fic. You can read it on
I would also like to thank Mockingbyrd's Tune for her beta.
Disclaimer: I took the picture of the happy couple from

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Baked Potato Recipe

Disclaimer: The recipe is not mine. I copied it from
I put it here because my friend asked me about this recipe.

Microwave Baked Potato

1 large russet potato
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
3 tablespoons shredded Cheddar cheese
salt and pepper to taste

DIRECTIONS Scrub the potato, and prick several time with the tines of a fork. Place on a plate.
Cook on full power in the microwave for 5 minutes. Turn over, and continue to cook for 5 more minutes. When the potato is soft, remove from the microwave, and cut in half lengthwise. Season with salt and pepper, and mash up the inside a little using a fork. Top the open sides with butter and 2 tablespoons of cheese. Return to the microwave, and cook for about 1 minute to melt the cheese.
Top with remaining cheese and serve.
Ita, ini resepnya. Gak sama persis, tapi kurang lebihnya sama.

Kentang Panggang pake Microwave
1 buah kentang (katanya paling bagus russet, tapi pake kentang apa aja bisa)
1 sdm mentega/margarin
3 sdm parutan keju cheddar (biasanya gue pake keju Kraft Quick Melt)
garam & merica secukupnya

Cara Membuat
Cuci bersih kentang, gosok dengan sikat, keringkan. Tusuk-tusuk dengan garpu, jarak sekitar 2 cm. Letakkan di piring untuk microwave.
Masak dengan panas maksimal selama kurang lebih 5 menit (kalo gue sih 4 menit cukup). Balik, masak lagi 5 menit. Balik, panas dikurangi sampai setengahnya (medium), masak selama 2 menit. Setelah kentang menjadi lunak, keluarkan dan buat irisan pada bagian tengah kentang, jangan sampai terbelah menjadi dua. Tekan bagian yg tidak teriris sampai kentang merekah.Taburkan garam & merica (gue sih nggak) & tambahkan margarin/mentega di bagian atas (gue biasanya ngga pake), beri parutan keju (yg Quick Melt). Masukkan lagi ke microwave, masak dengan panas medium selama 1-2 menit (jangan lama2, ntar kering). Bisa ditambahkan cacahan paprika, brokoli, potongan ayam, baso, sosis, daging asap (intinya: terserah, sesuai selera).
Hidangkan. Selamat Makan :P

Nachos ala Tinaa

Kalau lagi ada diskon Happy Toss, kornet, dan keju di Alfamart atau Indomaret biasanya aku pasti beli untuk bikin nachos. Di internet banyak...